

These sprays are based on plants and materials like milk. They are reported to be useful, but many of them don't have scientific proof of their effectiveness. However, you may find they work in your garden. The following recipes can be used:


Apple Cider Vinegar Fungicide
For leafspot, mildew, and scab

Mix 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar (5% acidity) with one gallon water and spray in the morning on infested plants. Good for black spot on roses and aspen trees too.


Baking Soda Spray
For early tomato blight, leaf blight and spots, powdery mildew,  and as a general fungicide
Sodium bicarbonate commonly known as baking soda has been found to posses fungicidal properties. It is recommended for plants that already have powdery mildew to hose down all the infected leaves prior to treatment. This helps to dislodge as many of the spores as possibly to help you get better results. Use as a prevention or as treatment at first signs of any of the diseases.

To make: Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda, 2 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil with one gallon of water. Shake this up very thoroughly. To this mix add 1/2 teaspoon of pure Castile soap and spray. Be sure to agitate your sprayer while you work to keep the ingredients from separating. Cover upper and lower leaf surfaces and spray some on the soil. Repeat every 5-7 days as needed.


Chives Spray
This plant can be used as a fungicide, containing a similar compound to garlic. To make a spray, cover a handful of chives with boiling water and leave to steep for an hour. Once strained it can be used undiluted against mildews, black spot and leaf curl.


Compost and Manure Teas

Many people have success with manure tea keeping blight and other pathogens away from plant. Soak the area around plants and use as a foliar spray. Do not use on seedlings as it may encourage damping-off disease.
Fill a 30 gallon trash can with water. Let sit for 24 hours to evaporate the additives (use rain water if you can). Add about 4 shovels worth of manure to this and cover. Let it sit for  2-3 weeks, stirring once a day. Strain and apply as needed.


Various manures supply nutrients as follows:

Chicken manure: nitrogen rich: use for heavy feeders such as corn, tomatoes and squash.

Cow Manure: potash: use for root crops.

Rabbit manure: promotes strong leaves and stems.

Horse manure: leaf development.

Compost Tea: Make and use just the same as you would the manure tea. This is another terrific reason to compost all those prunings, grass clipping and kitchen wastes.


Condy's Crystals
Potassium permanganate, or Condy's crystals, can be used as a fungicide against mildews. To make, dissolve 15g potassium permanganate in 14l of water.


Garlic Spray
This plant acts as both a fungicide and an insecticide. To make a spray, mix 100g chopped garlic and 2 teaspoons mineral oil. Cover and soak for 48 hours. Add 30 g pure soap and 2 cups of water. Filter and use at a dilution rate of 15ml to 1l of water. Store in a non-metallic container in a cool, dark place.


Homemade Fungicide

Make a homemade version of fungicide by filling a spray bottle with water, a tablespoon of baking soda, and a teaspoon of vegetable oil.


Milk Spray
For mildew control, mix 500ml whole or skim milk with 1l water. For mite control, mix 125ml buttermilk, 500g plain flour, and 23l water. Use every few days until mite infestation clears.


A spray made up of 1 part mustard in 20 parts water can be used against scale and powdery mildew.


Onion/Garlic Spray
This is a very effective insecticide, especially for aphids and caterpillars. To make it, combine 4 large, chopped onions, 6 chopped cloves garlic, and 1 tablespoon hot chilli powder. Cover with water and let stand for 24 hours, then strain. Combine 2 cups pure soap flakes or pure grated soap with the onion /garlic mixture. Now dilute at 2 parts mixture to 5 parts water. This will keep for up to two weeks in a cool, dark place.


The flowers from this plant are useful against a wide range of pests. To make a spray, mix together 2 teaspoons crushed flower-heads, 2l hot water, and 30g soft soap. Leave to stand for 30 minutes, strain and use.


Soapy Spray
This spray is useful against many insect pests. To make a spray, dissolve 60g pure soap in 4.5l hot water. Leave to cool and then use.


Washing Soda
This can be used as a spray on plants in winter, especially against powdery and downy mildews. To make a spray, mix 100g washing soda, 50g pure soap, and 4.5l water. Use the mixture immediately.